11 Prompts to Create Incredible Cinematic Photos Using Midjourney

11 Incredible Cinematic Photos Generated Using Midjourney

Cinematic photographs are visually striking images that look like isolated scenes from a movie. The dramatic lighting, dynamic compositions, and rich details transport viewers right into an imagined film narrative. While talented photographers can capture cinematic shots in real life, AI image generation tools like Midjourney open up bold new possibilities for this art form.

In its latest iteration, Midjourney version 6 has demonstrated an impressive knack for creating cinematic still photos through text prompts alone. The results have a refined quality on par with human-taken shots. In this post, I will showcase some of my favorite Midjourney-generated images that exude distinct cinematic style.

By analyzing the prompts I used and the visual elements that make these images so immersive, I aim to demonstrate Midjourney’s exciting potential for photographic art. From haunting thrillers to heartwarming romances, AI promises to democratize cinematic photography and expand creative horizons.

The technology is advancing rapidly, and I believe these images offer just a glimpse of what will be possible in the near future.

11 Cinematic Photos with Prompts

Following are the prompts and the resulting images.

Vintage Steam Train

A cinematic scene aboard a vintage steam train crossing a scenic landscape. The setting is a golden autumn forest with leaves falling. The composition should capture the elegance of the train and the beauty of the journey, with a focus on the steam and the nostalgic atmosphere.

A cinematic scene aboard a vintage steam train crossing a scenic landscape. The setting is a golden autumn forest with leaves falling. The composition should capture the elegance of the train and the beauty of the journey, with a focus on the steam and the nostalgic atmosphere.

Midjourney beautifully renders the romanticism of train travel in this image. I really liked the camera angle that captured the essence of the train journey. The autumnal forest and sunlight streaming through the trees create a warm, idyllic mood. The depth of field draws focus to the train while softly blurring the foreground, emphasizing motion and speed. Overall, the image invokes vintage wanderlust.

Haunted House

A cinematic scene of a haunted house on a foggy night. The old mansion should be eerie and isolated, with dim light coming from its windows. The composition should focus on the foreboding atmosphere, with the fog adding a sense of mystery and suspense.

A cinematic scene of a haunted house on a foggy night. The old mansion should be eerie and isolated, with dim light coming from its windows. The composition should focus on the foreboding atmosphere, with the fog adding a sense of mystery and suspense.

This ominous haunted house scene perfectly captures a horror movie vibe. The decaying mansion stands creepily among dead trees, set against a dark sky. Fog blankets the atmosphere, obscuring the details and creating tension. The warm light in the windows provides an eerie glow amidst the darkness. The image conveys mystery and unease, drawing the viewer into the story and mood.

Lonely Girl

A girl looking out an apartment window at the city lights below, cinematic melancholy with rain streaks on glass.

A girl looking out an apartment window at the city lights below, cinematic melancholy with rain streaks on glass.

This image beautifully encapsulates a pensive, reflective mood. The rainy cityscape outside the window creates a moody atmosphere, while the drops on the glass add a mesmerizing dynamic texture. The girl’s posture looking out conveys a sense of contemplative sadness and longing. The depth of field isolates her in sharp focus against the soft blur of the rain-soaked city below. Overall, the lighting, composition, and details transport the viewer into this quiet moment of introspection.

Exploring Astronauts

A cinematic scene of astronauts exploring an alien planet. The landscape is otherworldly, with strange vegetation and floating rocks. The lighting should be surreal, with multiple suns or unusual atmospheric effects. The composition should emphasize the awe and curiosity of the explorers in this new world.

A cinematic scene of astronauts exploring an alien planet. The landscape is otherworldly, with strange vegetation and floating rocks. The lighting should be surreal, with multiple suns or unusual atmospheric effects. The composition should emphasize the awe and curiosity of the explorers in this new world.

This planetscape image vividly realizes an imaginative sci-fi setting. The vivid colors and mystical lighting create an alien atmosphere. The astronauts examine the exotic floating islands and celestial bodies in the sky. Their spacesuits add a retrofuturistic style. The composition directs the viewer’s gaze outward across the surreal terrain, aligning us with the explorer’s perspective. This scene evokes sci-fi imagination and a sense of discovery in strange new worlds.

Cowboys Face Off

A cinematic western showdown at sunset. The scene should feature two cowboys facing each other in a deserted town. The setting sun casts long shadows and a golden glow over the dusty street. The composition should focus on the tense standoff, with the sun low in the sky between them, creating a silhouette effect.

A cinematic western showdown at sunset. The scene should feature two cowboys facing each other in a deserted town. The setting sun casts long shadows and a golden glow over the dusty street. The composition should focus on the tense standoff, with the sun low in the sky between them, creating a silhouette effect.

This image vividly captures the iconic visual style of a classic western. The two cowboys are perfectly framed in silhouette against the setting desert sun, about to draw their guns in the abandoned town. The warm sunlight and long shadows create striking contrast. The dust in the eerie ghost town adds texture. The composition builds tension and focuses entirely on the imminent showdown, using the sun to dramatize the standoff.

Urban Chase

A cinematic urban chase scene at dusk. The setting is a bustling city with skyscrapers. The lighting should be dynamic, mixing the fading natural light of the setting sun with the artificial lights of the city. The composition should focus on the intensity of the chase, with a clear sense of speed and movement.

A cinematic urban chase scene at dusk. The setting is a bustling city with skyscrapers. The lighting should be dynamic, mixing the fading natural light of the setting sun with the artificial lights of the city. The composition should focus on the intensity of the chase, with a clear sense of speed and movement.

This chase scene image throws the viewer right into the action. The perspective generates a visceral sense of speeding between the towering city buildings. The red brake lights and street lamps cut through the dusk blue hour lighting, creating visual dynamism. The motion blur on the vehicles adds to the high velocity feel. This scene captures the exhilaration and energy of an urban car chase sequence.

Kissing Couple

A couple kissing in the rain under a streetlight, cinematic composition shows them in silhouette with lens flares.

A couple kissing in the rain under a streetlight, cinematic composition shows them in silhouette with lens flares.

This romantic scene casts the couple in a dreamy, cinematic light. Their kiss is artfully obscured in silhouette, leaving it to the imagination. The rainy street setting creates a mesmerizing atmosphere, with the light cutting through the drops to produce visually striking lens flares. The overall composition directs focus onto the intimate moment between the lovers. It creates a sense of quiet passion and beauty by showing their interaction as an artistic silhouette.


A cinematic scene of a mountaineer reaching the summit at sunrise. The lighting should capture the first light of dawn breaking over the horizon, illuminating the snow-covered peaks. The composition should emphasize the triumph of the climber against the vastness of the mountain landscape.

A cinematic scene of a mountaineer reaching the summit at sunrise. The lighting should capture the first light of dawn breaking over the horizon, illuminating the snow-covered peaks. The composition should emphasize the triumph of the climber against the vastness of the mountain landscape.

This mountain summit image conveys both the grandeur of nature and human perseverance. The sun emerges over the peaks and ridges, bathing them in golden first light. The terrain appears immense and untamed. The lone climber stands tall, taking in the view, dwarfed by the majesty surrounding them. The lighting and composition work together to highlight the monumental achievement of reaching this apex amidst the enormity and beauty of the natural world.

Couple on a Date

A couple on a date in a cozy cafe, cinematic shallow depth of field isolates them in soft intimacy.

A couple on a date in a cozy cafe, cinematic shallow depth of field isolates them in soft intimacy.

This image captures a sweet, intimate moment between a couple on a cafe date. The wide aperture blurs the background into indistinct shapes and colors, bringing all focus onto the couple. Their expressions and body language suggest a closeness and affection, seen in details like their eye contact. The lighting is low and warm, adding to the cozy, romantic atmosphere. Overall the depth of field directs attention fully onto the couple, visually isolating them in their own world and conveying a quiet tenderness.

London Street

A cinematic scene set in the Victorian era, featuring a foggy London street. The gas lamps cast a dim light on cobblestone roads and shadowy figures. The composition should focus on a detective character, shrouded in mystery, as they navigate the enigmatic surroundings.

A cinematic scene set in the Victorian era, featuring a foggy London street. The gas lamps cast a dim light on cobblestone roads and shadowy figures. The composition should focus on a detective character, shrouded in mystery, as they navigate the enigmatic surroundings.

This moody scene evokes the intrigue of a Victorian thriller. The detective appears as a lone trenchcoated figure amidst the fog, focused intently on their investigation. The gas lamps and cobblestones create an antiquated atmosphere. The composition keeps the surroundings obscured, with the focus拉enigmatic on the stoic detective. The dim lighting and fog add mystery that suggests unseen forces at work. Overall, the image perfectly captures the foreboding tone of a gothic detective story set in 19th century London.

Busy City

A fixed point shot overlooking bustling city streets, cinematic sense of anonymous lives.

A fixed point shot overlooking bustling city streets, cinematic sense of anonymous lives.

This shot provides a voyeuristic perspective of a busy urban area with cars, people, street lights, and buildings. The people appear indistinct and faceless, conveying the anonymity of city life. The fixed composition alludes to the feeling of being a detached observer. The image evokes themes about individuals being absorbed into the rhythms of the metropolis.

Through this selection of images, we can see Midjourney’s capacity for generating photographs with cinematic style and storytelling. The AI brings imaginative prompts to life with impressive visual artistry. The images showcase Midjourney’s skills in lighting, composition, color, and invoking mood to transport viewers into imagined narrative worlds.

From epic sci-fi planets to intimate urban dates, the range of cinematic scenes Midjourney can conjure is astonishing. The technology shows exciting potential to augment human creativity for photography and visual media. As AI image generation advances, I expect we will see even more sophisticated cinematic effects and innovations.

I encourage readers to try out Midjourney and experiment with cinematic prompts of their own. The possibilities are endless when we engage with AI as a creative tool rather than just a technical one. Let me know if you come up with any incredible cinematic shots that I should feature in a future post! For now, I hope this glimpse into Midjourney’s cinematic capabilities has sparked inspiration and ideas.

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